I wanted to write about a personal long project I am doing in the centre or Redruth. Gradually drawing buildings and shops in the town centre. I wanted it to be as simple and accessible for me as possible with minimal barriers to getting out there so I chose to do them just in pencil (BlackWing for those in the know). I love the simplicity of pencil and feel like I am capturing a moment rather than labouring on it, offering so much without the bells and whistles, not unlike Redruth! The people here are honest, friendly and unapologetically themselves, which I find refreshingly familiar, having grown up with older Cornish relatives.
Each drawing takes me a couple of hours, sometimes longer if a lot of people come and chat to me. The comments I get vary between “that’s not bad” “that’s actually quite good” “that’s amazing” and “what’s it going to be?” “will you paint it later?” and “you’re very good keep it up, I’d buy one”. The interest and intrigue is obvious and I love that people are confident and curious enough to interact, ask me questions and have a conversation about it. The general mantra from the general public is “you have a talent and I don’t. I can’t draw to save my life”. There’s a whole conversation there about creativity, education and being human, but the general feeling is that being creative, drawing painting is a separate to most people and just for a select few who have the talent.
The reason I started these drawings was to centre myself as an artist in Redruth after living here for the past 8 years and having a strong feeling to be more locally visible as an artist. The reason I settled here was having a fondness for the town due to spending a lot of time here in my late teens, frequenting the many pubs and clubs so I knew it well. Also coming from a long line of ancestors in the mining and dairy industries around Camborne, Pool and Redruth specifically, including my parents who also lived here for a few years before I was born, with my mum being born and bred locally.
So these drawings are as much about my history and connection to Redruth as producing a drawing for public consumption. I will exhibit these when I feel I have enough of them to celebrate the buildings, the people, the history, past and present and when I feel I have done what I came to do. This will be at 89Redruth artspace /venue and also Kresen Kernow. My original plan was to draw every building, but not sure that is as sustainable for my creative brain, but I do plan to draw every area at least, not tying myself down too tightly. The very act of being on the street and being in the middle of Redruth feels great. I am enjoying drawing all the beautiful features of the buildings and the street furniture, (when you walk down Fore St make sure to look up!) but what feels most engaging is drawing the people in motion, the busyness of these areas capturing conversations, regular cafe huddles, the daily shop, the traders and the different speeds and paces that people move at.
Being in one spot for two hours gives me a new perspective on the variety of character in people and how they interact in the town. And of course a drawing would not be right without a pigeon bombing in there somewhere, especially in a redundant space! It feels good to be at the centre of something, especially in these fractured times we live in. I hope you enjoy the drawings and come and visit Redruth with an open mind and a kind heart, to see for yourself what it has to offer. Spark up a conversation and see what happens, you might surprise yourself.