I thought I'd start blogging on this site, why not? So here's a photo I took for an article that a magazine is writing about me and my work next month. I wanted to show my sketchbooks in situ so here are a few of the ones on the go. I have several that work along side each other. One is from memory and is of my daily walk with Bobo my dog, the other is a sketching out and about book. One is from sketching around falmouth and of the walks where I live. One has doodles in and sketches of people at festivals and of my surroundings in cafes and bars etc. on holiday, and also drawings from when I'm out with my partner and he pops out for a cigarette! Sketchbooks is where it all happens for me. I love them and love watching them grow in numbers and in contrast. Pop over to the sketchbook link and see a whole range of the work that happens between the pages of my sketchbooks.